OCTOBER 30, 2009
Luv ya, Lake Erie!
I've lived in Cleveland most of my life. Short stays in Dayton and Indianapolis reminded me that what I love most about my hometown is Lake Erie.
The open horizon that separates sky and water always gives me a feeling of joy and possibility. Any view, any season works—each has its own particular beauty.
In Fall, color is king.
Along the rocky north shoreline of Edgewater Park milkweed is sending its fluffy explorers out to find new homes.
Contrasting shapes and textures make this "weed" most beautiful when it's gone from green to gray.
The fact that milkweed is the sole food of Monarch butterfly caterpillars is a bonus.
The bright yellow carpet under the gingko tree drew me across the park.
Some years the gingko is last to shed its leaves. Not this year.
The beach was nearly empty. Gulls, geese and most people went somewhere else.
I don't mind sharing my lake (come visit sometime), but solitude is good too.
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