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SEPTEMBER 9, 2009   

Confused, but only sort of

Combining the answers of all the students, things don't look too bad. I
must have done other things on Wednesday, but as I write this (three days later) I can only remember my Web Publishing I class. Only about half the class had turned in their XHTML webpage assignment on time, so I was convinced that the rest were totally, hopelessly confused and had given up in despair.

I threw out my original lesson plan for the day and decided to focus on review and troubleshooting. In place of my usual start-of-class "Hello" quiz, which asks a few questions about material we covered the previous class, I made a simple questionnaire to see exactly what had confused them.

If you mouse over the small picture at right you'll see the answers of all the students combined. It's not nearly as bad as I'd feared. At this point—the third week of class—I'm satisfied if most students can make most things work, even if they're not totally sure of what they're doing. I've found that it usually takes doing things a few times kind of mechanically before the light goes on in your brain and it all makes sense. At least that's how it often works for me.

So other that a couple of folks who really were bewildered about one specific topic, we probably could have moved ahead. But I'm sure the review helped solidify the learning of most.

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