AUGUST 5, 2010
Tomato sauce
The garden is doing well, especially the tomatoes and peppers. More Romas than we could possibly eat made my task for the morning cooking up a big batch of tomato sauce to freeze and enjoy when summer is only a memory.
I started by picking only the reddest fruit. I know I'll be doing this several more times as the season continues.
I added today's harvest to another bowlful on the kitchen counter. I didn't use the poblano peppers, but did add lots of the leafy basil.
I cut each tomato in half, squeezed out the juice and seeds, then put them in a blender skin and all. Next time I'll peel them to see how it affects the flavor.
After the chopping, squeezing and blendering there wasn't nearly as much as I expected. The big stainless steel pot I found in the basement was overkill for sure.
Before adding the tomato puree I sauteed celery, onions and peppers in the pot to add flavor. Then, fresh pepper, salt, a dash of red wine and lots of chopped basil got stirred in as it simmered for several hours.
We sampled it on a pizza for tonight's dinner. Tomorrow I'll freeze the rest in one quart containers. Feels good to have the first batch of fresh sauce that I know will taste extra good when the garden is buried under a foot of snow.
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