MAY 14, 2010
Driving west on the Ohio Turnpike, I pulled into the first rest area, cup of coffee in mind. As I walked in I figured "When in Rome, etc." and decided to visit the Burger King. It's been a long time, but a Whopper Junior was my regular Monday lunch when I was commuting between Cleveland and Indianapolis to teach at Herron School of Art.
The turnpike didn't have a Junior on their menu. I wasn't up for a big hunk o' meat, so saw "Veggie Burger" at the bottom of the menu. Turned out to be a pretty good choice. The lettuce and tomato were good, and the veggie pattie itself better than most.
A few minutes later I was back on the Turnpike, headed for a weekend AIGA Design Educators Conference in Toledo.
→ Full report on the conference (May 17)
→ The question it made me ask (May 18)
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