APRIL 24, 2010
Play's the thing
When you're three years old you are happy to just bounce around in a small room filled with colored balls. The posted Ohio Revised Code notice doesn't make much difference when you don't know how to read.
For adults, Bounce City, a warehouse-like building filled with an assortment of inflated rooms and slides was a quieter version of the hellish Chuck E. Cheese.
Make a lot of sense to have the kids running and jumping and tiring themselves out with physical activity instead of pumping them full of candy and pop and turning them loose in a gigantic game room.
Oh, I'm describing my afternoon at a party for grandson Mannix and about 15 of his little friends, accompanied by their big counterparts.
A couple hours after Bounce City I found myself at Cleveland Public Theatre listening the director Raymond Bobgan talking about directing "unstageable" and "unreadable" work by William Butler Yeats.
As contributors we'd been invited to a private rehearsal and discussion of the new production Open Mind Firmament.
Watching segments of a rehearsal and hearing the director talk about the process was fascinating to me even though I have no real clue about the piece itself. This behind-the-scenes view of how a performance is shaped by the people involved is a mystery that I sometimes wish I'd been a part of.
Thanks to CPT I got a little taste of it tonight.
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