MAY 4, 2010
Kent State
Forty years ago today, on another beautiful Spring day, probably a lot like today. About forty miles from here.
Four dead in Ohio.
Seems like a lifetime ago, in another world.
(Photo by John Filo)
Forty years is more than the lifetime of Allison B. Krause, Jeffrey G. Miller, William K. Schroeder, and Sandra L. Scheuer. The world we lived in still back then seemed to make sense, though you could feel it coming apart at the seams. The first rip was Dallas with the assassination of JFK. It got worse, much worse.
But were political killings over the war in Vietnam more terrible than random gunmen at Virginia Tech and all those schools whose names I can't even remember? Was May 4, 1970 the start of it all? The slaughter of innocents is now just part of the daily news, but in 1970 it shook my world.
I feel older, not necessarily wiser. I don't know what to make of all this, but don't want to forget.
May 4, 1970. Four dead in Ohio. Don't forget.
Kent State Killings—May 4, 2009
...and Horror—May 4, 2008
Forgetting to Remember—May 6, 2007
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