MAY 16, 2010
Sunday summary
Monday, May 10
Media Design class ended with a sampling of student cooking using recipes from the how-to websites they'd designed as a final project. Delicious.
Tuesday, May 11
Standouts: the best websites designed by students in Web Publishing I class this semester.
Wednesday, May 12
A junkyard on Ridge Road has the only commercial power-generating wind turbine in Cleveland. Why aren't there more?
Thursday, May 13
I took notes at a presentation by web guru Jesse James Garrett. I plan to write about the issues he discussed. Someday.
Friday, May 14
Driving to Toledo I stopped for coffee and was tempted by the thought of a BK Whopper Junior. They didn't have it on the menu, so I tried an alternative
Saturday, May 15
A simple message at the AIGA Design Educator's Conference in Toledo, from designer superstar Rick Valicenti.
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