MAY 9, 2010
Sunday summary
Monday, May 3
Bright white clouds in a sparkling blue sky cheered me up as I left school today. The end of the semester always brings worries, though.
Tuesday, May 4
Forty years since the killing of students at Kent State. It's a different world now, maybe not in a good way.
Wednesday, May 5
Twinkie Sushi was a big hit at our VC&D Student Portfolio show today. If you'd like to prepare this delicacy yourself, here's how.
Thursday, May 6
Day 2 of the VC&D Student Portfolio show. Another batch of Twinkie Sushi and lots of good conversations between students and professionals.
Friday, May 7
A Deep Energy Retrofit is happening with the house next door, and it's a major undertaking. We're watching the process unfold.
Saturday, May 8
A big campaign graphic plastered on the side of a truck reminds me of an Orwellian Big Brother...but maybe I'm jumping to the wrong conclusion.
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