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APRIL 23, 2010   

More planting

Robin in planting bedAnother sunny day demanded that I go out to the garden for a couple of hours. As I worked I was joined by a robin looking for any worms or tasty bugs I might have turned up.

This bird's total lack of fear makes me think he was one of my buddies from last year.

Here he's in a new planting area I built, inspired by the rustic free-form gardens of Gather 'Round Farm. The seedlings are Early Girl tomatoes, and this is in fact the earliest I've ever put tomatoes in. Hope I'm not making a mistake.

Seed packets in dirtSalad days

That's what I'm hoping for from the raised bed this year. I planted carrots and beets, two neat and tidy rows of each. Figure that will make them easier to thin when I get to that stage.

I read that lettuce is a good companion plant for beets, so sprinkled seeds randomly throughout.

Round planter with spinachContinuing with the salad theme, I'm taking one more shot with the "Guaranteed to Grow" spinach. I first seeded this planter nearly three weeks ago. It was the only one of three where nothing sprouted.

I added a few inches of new soil, thinking that maybe I'd put too much manure in earlier and the seeds didn't like it. If they don't like their newly renovated home I'm giving up on spinach altogether.

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APRIL 2010