NOVEMBER 4, 2009
The people have spoken
Yesterday was Election Day, and as usual most of my votes ended up on the losing side. I voted "no" on nearly all of the ballot issues, but we're getting casinos, a big-business dominated livestock care agency, and a new county government structure anyway. Thank you fellow citizens.
On the other hand, Tri-C will get more taxpayers dollars so that folks like me can keep our jobs, and in Cleveland Frank Jackson stays on as mayor. That one's OK with me too.
In Web Publishing I class today we had our own election, picking a topic for the final project. The seven candidates written on the board came from our discussion on Monday and today students cast their ballots. And the winner is...
Each student will research his/her favorite or most influential artist/designer and create a web page or mini-site about him/her. I'm looking forward to the results.
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