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September 11, 2012


September 11th has come and gone, and I'm still trying to figure out what to say.

Smoke from WTC on Sept. 11, 2001I haven't forgotten that day's sparkling blue sky or the radio reports of a plane crashing into the World Trade Center.

The news of a second plane striking the other tower made it clear this was no accident.

It's still crystal-clear in my mind. I'm just not sure why it's not in my heart, in my gut. What used to bring me to tears is now a piece of information, terrible but not painful. Is it just me, or are you feeling the same?

I tried to pay attention. In the morning I posted on Facebook "How are you remembering the day?", hoping to share thoughts with others. Only one response.

Later I listened to poet Billy Collins read his commemorative poem "The Names."

I read NASA astronaut Frank Culbertson's letter home, written after he'd seen smoke pouring from the Twin Towers while passing overhead in the International Space Station.

I read the harrowing first-person account written by Michael Wright, who escaped from the 81st floor of Tower One. And I thought about that day frequently throughout my own uneventful day.

In the end, I still didn't know what to say.

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