NOVEMBER 25, 2009
Solar charger for your cell phone
OK, I just pulled the broken solar-powered garden light out of the garbage can. Now I need to hit up Radio Shack for a voltage meter and a diode. Once I have those two items, I'm all over this project!
Seems like the perfect solution for anyone who likes to hike: I'm going to put mine on the top flap of my backpack.
I'd like to be able to charge my camera battery too, but that would be harder since it doesn't connect with a USB cable.
Since backpacks with solar chargers built-in sell for $100-200, I'm thinking that there may be more to it than what's shown in the video. But what the heck, it's worth a try. Unless, of course, I fry my iPhone.
The video is from, home of how-to videos on everything from How to Dance Without Embarrassing Yourself to How to Pray the Rosary. And lots more: definitely worth a visit.
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