You could learn a lot by talking with sixty or so of the world's elders: accomplished scientists, political and cultural leaders over the age of 65.
Andrew Zuckerman interviewed Madeline Albright and Desmond Tutu, Bill Withers and Willie Nelson, Frank Gehry, Jane Goodall, and many more. He published a book of photos called The Wisdom Project that comes with a 60 minute film of the interviews. Click the link above for a little taste of the conversations.
You could also learn a lot by hearing Zuckerman describe the process of making the book, film and exhibition of the work.
He was so intrigued by the idea that he talked his way into being the interviewer and filmmaker despite the fact that he'd never interviewed anyone. He was best known for photos of animals.
In the video he talks about curiosity, hard work and honesty, themes I try to stress in my own teaching.
I decided to watch Zuckerman/s lecture with my Media Design students today. In an extended discussion afterwards I heard responses strong and clear enough that I think it was time well spent.