FEBRUARY 9, 2010
Pasta packaging: could it be any more wasteful?
How important is it that your frozen pasta has the right texture when you pull it from the microwave? Important enough that you throw away twice as much plastic after you're done?
To give you that "al dente" pasta, ConAgra Foods uses not one but two plastic bowls for its Marie Callender brand microwave pasta.
I tried to find out more about this magical invention but the dizzying animated website wasn't cooperative. I could tour Italian hillsides and see sailboats gently rocking on the water, but I gave up on learning more about this two-bowl plastic waste-generating device.
While I was at the Marie Callender website I thought I'd check nutritional information just for laughs. If it's there, ConAgra has done a great job of hiding it. By comparison it's pretty easy to find out how much salt and fat you're getting from a Big Mac.
So even though I have fond memories of eating Marie Callender's frozen dinners in my little Indianapolis apartment years ago, I'm parting ways with her on Paste Al Dente. The packaging is the most wasteful I've seen since that sexy water bottle in Amsterdam.
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