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NOVEMBER 27, 2007

Web 2.0: Simple & social

Explaining Web 2.0 is an on-going conversation. We've talked about it here, here, and here. My attempt at a short definition: participatory, social, highly interactive, with user-generated content. Here's an even shorter one from Ellyssa Kroski, a reference librarian at Columbia University: simple and social.

She points to online applications like Google Docs, and photo/video sharing sites like Flickr and YouTube as examples of software that does its job simply, with minimal learning needed. If you've ever uploaded a video to YouTube you know the process could hardly be simpler.

Kroski's article, Information Design for the New Web, lists specific visual characteristics of Web 2.0 and explains advances in user interaction brought in by the use of Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML). Here are some highlights of what she has to say.

Web 2.0 looks like...

Thank you, Ajax, for...

Social, meaning...

And more...

Kroski's article goes on to detail more social aspects of the web, and finishes with basic principles and philosophies for the "New Web." It's worth a read. I found it reprinted at Robin Good's blog (another good find).

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