A little taste of the islands...
Pass the tequila while we enjoy the festive Tiki Bar on Brookpark near Ridge Rd. in Parma.
I guess it serves me right—I was overcome by a craving for a Big Mac and fries, so I stopped at the McDonald's right next door to this fine establishment. Hopefully it looks better from the front.
The big Mac was fine, thank you very much. Lots of "special sauce" slathered on, which makes all the difference. The meat, such as it is, just serves as a contrast to the tangy sauce. Last time I had a Big Mac it was pretty tasteless, which I now realize is because there wasn't much sauce on it. Maybe next time I'll just ask for one without the burgers.
I got a "vegetarian" Whopper at Burger King once by just asking for one. It turned out to be a Whopper with no meat. Not a veggie patty, just no meat. They only charged me about a buck for it. Kind of an odd experience.
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The road to success can be bumpy, you need one of these
I asked my Intro to Visual Communication students this semester what success meant to them. Each wrote an essay and then created a visual representation of their idea.
There were paper-mache mountains, calendars, t-shirts—all sorts of interesting stuff.
The best was this First Aid Kit for Success. Clever, memorable, very well made. Obviously a lot of thought and care went into it. As a teacher, that's what I hope for.
The bandage, Smart Pills and "Ace" bandage are pretty obvious, but I was impressed that this student felt it important to add a few things not found in your standard first aid kit.
Things like a "To Do" list so you can check off goals as they are accomplished, and a thousand-dollar check to charity from Ms. Successful.
A common theme in most of the essays was that success wasn't about making money (although most hoped for a comfortable income). Things like happiness, family and satisfaction were more important.
It's encouraging to see Ms. Successful includes sharing with others on her list, too.
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