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DECEMBER 16, 2007    

Mediascape kicks my butt

Satellite view of Quebec showing office building that's home to Parks CanadaIt sounds easy when you read about it on the mscape website, but the reality isn't quite as painless as you'd hope. Actually, my experience has been painful. Excruciating.

I thought that tomorrow morning I'd be finishing up a small but interesting mediascape for a client who's bidding on a job for Parks Canada to create PDA-based interpretive tours for two national parks. What a great job!

So they handed me a brand-new HP iPaq and said "go for it."

My idea was to build a mini-tour based right where the Parks Canada office is located in Quebec. You can see it in the photo casting a large shadow.

I spent part of the day on Saturday and much of Sunday trying to do what seemed simple—with very little success. The mscape online help is spotty at best. Explanations are short and omit lots of details. They're very big on "just get out and try it"—which is really problematic when you're working under a deadline.

I made a couple of breakthroughs late Sunday and thought I had at least the starting segment of the tour working, When I loaded it onto the iPaq it worked...sort of. But my beautiful graphics were scaled to half the intended size. I'm running out of time and ideas on how to make this work. Shit.

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