Some improvement
Yesterday things were going poorly with the GPS-based tour project I'm working on. Today started off much the same, especially when I couldn't figure out how to get Flash Player installed on the iPaq PDA. Without the player we couldn't play video, which would be a serious setback for the project. When I took it downtown to show the client, his programmer—who's worked with Pocket PCs like the iPaq—spent at least a half hour puzzling his way through the installation. No way I would have ever figured it out.
In the same vein, I followed my friend Wally's advice and asked one of my questions on the mscapers forum where much to my surprise I got a clear detailed answer a few hours later. Without these two pieces of outside help I'd be deep in that pit of despair I mentioned yesterday. Instead I have a good start on a functioning tour—lots more work to be done, but there's light at the end of the tunnel. I think.
The next big test is tomorrow when I give it to Dave to test on location at the park. If it works, we're good to go. If not, pit of despair, here I come.
It seemed fitting that as I was leaving downtown the sun was shining over the Flats, bathing our industrial past in an optimistic glow.
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