Voting, old style
I felt like I was in high school taking a standardized test, but they gave us a ballpoint pen instead of #2 pencil. Otherwise the instructions were the same: "Fill in the bubble completely"—which I discovered takes longer with a pen than a pencil.
After legal challenges to the touch-screen voting machines used in the last election, Cuyahoga County has taken a big leap backward to paper ballots.
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An ice storm that started in late afternoon caused problems for our Portfolio Preparation class Mini-Review. Several of the professionals who had planned to come to look at student work emailed to say the weather was too bad to drive to Parma.
At the 7 pm start time we had only four reviewers (out of 14 scheduled), but another half-dozen or so straggled in throughout the evening. More on this event tomorrow.
We ended earlier than planned to let people get started for home, and you can see why. My car was completely encased in ice, making it look like a glass-beaded Christmas ornament. Scraping the multiple layers of ice off the windows took about 15 minutes.
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