Free CSS book (until Dec. 2, 2008)
Today we're driving to Dayton for a friend's birthday party, so I'm not going to spend any time at the computer except to clue you web designers in to a good deal.
The folks at who offer good web design information in the form of articles, tutorials, newsletters and books will give you The Art and Science of CSS free... with one small catch. You'll need to sign up to "Follow" them on Twitter (they're calling this offer a Twitaway). And it's a limited time offer—sign up before Dec. 2, 2008.
I'm a regular on Twitter myself, so this is no big deal, but if you're not quite ready to make the Twitter plunge, notice that they will send you the download if you give them an email address instead: Twitaway details. Now if you're a dead-tree person I have to warn you that you'll only get a digital (pdf) version of the book. You can buy the print version if you insist, or let a few trees live out their days in peace.
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