After a few cold and gloomy days, today was gorgeous. The sun was shining and the temperature was in the low 40s when I went outside to work in the garden. I raked and piled more leaves where next year's garden annex will be as well as where this year's garden was. Now there's a six-inch layer of mulch that will just stay in place come spring. My plan is to dig holes only where I actually plant things rather than digging up the whole garden area. Seems to make sense, but I've never done this before.
I also pulled out all the zinnias along the path and prepared two areas that I hope will become perennial wildflower gardens.
While in Portland (Oct.12-13-14-15-16) I bought a packet of Oregon wildflower seeds, thinking it would be a good way to remember my visit. The instructions said to prepare the soil, scatter the seeds in the Fall, and in the Summer you'd have wildflowers. So that's what I did in the area at the lower right of the photo.
I had another package of Butterfly Garden seeds bought somewhere in the Cleveland area that I thought I'd plant on the other side of the walk. The instructions on this package described starting the seeds indoors, then carefully transferring them outside. C'mon — you mean the Oregon seeds will just grow where you put them while the Ohio seeds have to be coddled and fussed over? I think not. At least I hope not, since I scattered them in the prepared soil same as the other. We'll see.
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